July precipitation

The average precip. for July for Ipswich is currently 3.18. For July thus far Ipswich is at 4.10 which puts us above average. It would be nice to get 3.18 every July but that doesn’t happen very often as we know. So the average of 3.18 has been built up over the years by bigger amounts like we are experiencing this year. The following are some of the amounts that we have had previously that has brought this average to 3.18:

1993: 10.65 in 18 rain events – Five of these registered over one inch with the most on the 17th of 1.90 – Thunder & lightning with every event – Tree and structure damage on the 17th – This was a very wet summer with 4.21 during June and 4.65 during August.

1994: 8.67 in 8 rain events – One of these involved 36 hours in which we received 5.02 on the 7th and .59 on the 8th – Another big rain event was 2.01 on the 19th – No damaging storms recorded.

2011: 6.19 in 10 rain events – Two of these amounted to big rains, 1.95 on the 13th and 1.81 on the 10th – This was another wet growing season, 2.92 during May, 6.30 in June & 1.73 in August.

2008: 4.81 in 8 rain events with the most on the 19th at 2.68 – Another good rain two days before this on the 17th of .91 made conditions very sloppy – This above average of moisture was preceded by an above average of precip. in June of 4.59.

Note: 19 months of July including 2022 have exceeded the current average of 3.18.

(Summary of the month of July next week)


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