Storm Sewer resolution tabled

The Ipswich City Council met Monday, Aug. 22 and continued their discussion on the Stockwell Engineering proposal to improve the storm sewer system in town.

A resolution to accept the funding for the first proposal of storm sewer improvements was examined by the council members. They had questions about some of the wording and decided to table the decision until the wording is clarified.

Some council members said they would like to hear from more community members also.

The resolution would raise the sewer fee $8 to help pay for the first phase of the storm sewer project.

Ipswich residents will see their water rates increased in October. The WEB Water rate for water is being raised. The new Ipswich rate will be studied before the next meeting.

In other business:

• The council passed the first reading of an ordinance to regulate temporary structures used for storage. They will require a building permit with a one-year or less requirement.

• Time has run out to get chip sealing done on Ipswich streets done this year. Council members want to make plans earlier in the year to get the work done next summer.

• Finance Officer Amanda Metzinger will work with council members Dave Coisman and Erica Larson to devise a human resources handbook for employees.

• The council approved an open container permit for the Trail Days committee for the concert on Saturday. They also thanked those responsible for the “We’re All In” event on Aug. 27.


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