Weather Extremes

This week I’ll cover the extreme rainfalls from the previous 47 months of August that I have recorded.

The average precip. for these 47 months is currently 2.36 which is the 4th wettest month. The 2.36 average has been exceeded only 20 months out of 47.

2014: Extremely wet month with total moisture at 6.28 which was the most I ever recorded for an August – Two big precip. events with the first on the 23rd of 3.39 (4.15 in 3 days 21-23) and 1.74 on the 28th – The 1.79 was without any thunder or strong wind – 7 rain events for the month.

1980: Way above average in precip. at 6.04 with most coming in two rain events that are entirely different – The first is a general rain on the 16th (1.98) with no storm and the second on the 20th at 1.88 accompanied by strong damaging winds – 9 rain events for the month in all.

2021: High precip. of 4.88 with two big rain events, 1.18 on the 22nd and 2.00 on the 28th – Broke a very dry growing season but too late for most crops.

1993: Above normal in precip. at 4.65 with most falling on the 29th & 30th at 3.02 as a nice general rain with no storm.

1994: Above normal in precip. at 3.93 with a very big rain of 3.03 on the 9th.

1998: Above average in precip. at 3.82 with a big rainfall for an August day of 1.97 on the 2nd – 7 rain events for the month.

(Next week I will have a summary of 47 months of August and begin September)


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