Edmunds County 4-Hers back from State Fair with ribbons and honors

Edmunds County 4-H Members exhibited over 70 static exhibits at the 2022 South Dakota State Fair in Huron last week.

4-H Members received the following ribbons on their static exhibits:

Nate Bass: Horticulture-Sweet 100 Tomatoes-Purple; Photography-Water Drop-Blue;

Sam Bass: Horticulture-Roma Tomatoes-Purple;

Allison Belcher: Photography-Bushes in Front of a Building-Red;

Clark Beyers: Home Environment-Golf Towel-Purple, There's No Place Like Home Sign-Purple;

Grayson Beyers: Photography-Bird Bath-White; Visual Arts-Bird House-Purple, Holiday Bear Diamond Art-Purple;

Hannah Beyers: Photography-Ipswich Public Library-Blue; Visual Arts-Dolphin Pencil Drawing-Blue, Nativity Diamond Art-Purple;

Lincoln Beyers: Visual Arts-Christmas Tree Diamond Art-Purple;

Dora Bonen: Foods & Nutrition-Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins-Blue; Home Environment-Purple Galaxy Pillow Case-Purple; Photography-Ipswich Town History-White; Visual Arts-Preserved Flowers in Resin-Purple;

Hunter Bonen: Photography-Chicken in Shed-Red, Photo of Friend-Blue, Sunset and Storm Clouds-Blue; Robotics-Moving Lego Excavator-Purple;

Jase Bonen: Home Environment-Hydro Dipped Deer Skull-Blue; Photography-Town Library- Purple, Dead Leaves in a Sewer Drain-Red, Storm Clouds-Blue;

Kaidence Bulgin: Home Environment-Table Runner-Purple, Pink Can Wall Hanging-Purple, Carrot Wall Hanging-Blue, Pickup Truck Centerpiece-Purple, Gnome Wreath-Purple; Visual Arts-Entwined Hands-Purple;

Alexis Fischer: Home Environment-Fleece Tie Blanket-Red, Wood 4 Leaf Clover-Blue;

Grant Fischer: Hobbies & Collections-Pink Lego Jeep-Purple; Sheep & Wool-Southdown Baby Doll Wool-Blue;

Jillian Fischer: Home Environment-Thinking of You Sign-Red; Sheep & Wool-Southdown Baby Doll Wool-Blue; Visual Arts-Etched Light Bulb-Blue, Gnome-Blue, Voodoo Doll-Purple;

Tara Fischer: Visual Arts-Ceramic Lamb-Purple, Candle Holder-Purple, Bowl-Red;

Raymond Fitz: Patrick-Welding Science-MIG Welded Boot Rack-Purple;

Ashlyn Heilman: Home Environment-Painted Flower Pot-Blue; Visual Arts-Dream Catcher-Purple, Photo Transfer-Blue;

Sydney Holmes: Hobbies & Collections-Lego Flower Bouquet-Purple; Home Environment-Horse Pattern Pillow Case-Blue; Photography-Sidewalk View-Blue; Visual Arts-Ceramic Lamb-Purple; Diamond Art Horse in a Lavender Field-Purple;

Ben Hoyle: Foods & Nutrition-Peanut Butter Cookies-Purple; Home Environment-Set of Three Wooden Presents-Purple; Bunny Vase-Blue; Jailey Hutson-Photography-Sunset-Red;

Gracyn Kadlec: Clothing & Textiles-Bucket Hat-Blue; Photography-Sunset-White; Visual Arts- Canvas Bookcase Painting-Purple;

Mackenzie Kaiser: Photography-Red Hibiscus-Purple; Pink Hibiscus-Purple;

Sophia Kroll: Photography-Mountain-Purple, Flower in the Sun-White; Dog in the Sun-Red; Visual Arts-Elephant Diamond Art-Purple; Writing & Public Speaking-Three Short Poems-Purple;

Declan Schumacher: Photography-Ipswich Library-Blue;

Emerald Wittmeier: Visual Arts-Metallic Paint Pour-Purple, Pink Paint Pour-Blue, Black Horse Diamond Art-Purple, Rainbow Infinity Feather Diamond Art-Purple, Ceramic Spotted Dog-Purple; Set of Two Ceramic Pumpkins-Purple.

Several members also participated in Special Foods, Public Presentations, and Fashion Revue Youth in Action Contests.

Grayson Beyers, Hannah Beyers, and Lincoln Beyers were in the Special Foods Contest. Grayson received a blue ribbon for his Berry Baked Oatmeal, Hannah received a purple ribbon for her Beef Enchiladas, and Lincoln received a blue ribbon for his Chicken Noodle Soup.

Participating in the Public Presentation and Fashion Revue was Kaidence Bulgin. She received a Purple Ribbon for her illustrated talk "Room Remix" and a Purple Ribbon for her constructed romper.

There were 42 livestock exhibits representing Edmunds County. They had several members who were awarded top honors in their division. Several Top Awards were won. They include Seniors Bryce Beitelspacher-Fifth Overall Market Steer and Third Division II Crossbred Market Steer; Brady Beitelspacher-Champion Charolais Market Steer and Third Overall Chianina Market Steer; Grant Fischer-Best of Breed French Lop; Haleigh Holt-Reserve Champion Charolais Heifer; Kathryn Kilber-Reserve Champion Targhee Ewe; Juniors Jillian Fischer-Reserve Best of Breed French Lop; Jacob Jung-Reserve Champion Red Angus Heifer and Reserve Spotted Breeding Gilt; and Brady Kilber-Grand Champion Targhee Ram.

Several members participated in the Showmanship contests. Maggie Holt received a purple ribbon and placed Third Overall in Junior Beef Showmanship. Others placing in Beef Showmanship were Haleigh Holt-purple, Sydney Holmes-blue, Jacob Jung-blue, and Charli Rawden-blue. In Sheep Showmanship Grant Fischer received a blue ribbon, Jillian Fischer-blue, Sydney Holmes-blue, Kathryn Kilber-blue, and Brady Kilber-purple. In Rabbit Showmanship Grant Fischer received a purple ribbon, Jillian Fischer-blue, and Tara Fischer-red.

There were eight entries in the Breeding Beef Class. Haleigh Holt received purple ribbons for her Charolais and Simmental Breeding Heifers. Maggie Holt received a purple ribbon for her Hereford Breeding Heifer. Jacob Jung received a purple ribbon for his Red Angus Breeding Heifer. Austin Rawden received a purple ribbon for his Hereford Breeding Heifer. Charli Rawden received three purple ribbons for her Mini Hereford Breeding Heifers.

Market Beef had four entries. Brady Beitelspacher received purple ribbons for his Charolais and Chianina Market Steers; Bryce Beitelspacher received purple for his Crossbred Market Steer. Sydney Holmes received a blue ribbon for her Shorthorn Market Steer.

Breeding Sheep had 11 entries. In the Targhee Division, Brady Kilber received purple ribbons for his Early Spring Ram, Early Spring Ewe, and his Late Spring Ewe; Kathryn Kilber received purple ribbons for her Fall Ewe Lamb, Yearling Ewe, and her Early Spring Ewe. In the Southdown Baby Doll Division, Grant Fischer received a purple ribbon for his Yearling Ram and a blue ribbon for his Late Spring Ewe. Jillian Fischer received blue ribbons for her Yearling Ewe, Early Spring Ewe, and her Late Spring Ewe.

Market Sheep had three entries. Sydney Holmes received blue ribbons for her Crossbred Market Ewe, Crossbred Market Wether, and her Natural Market Ewe.

Breeding Swine had two entries. Jacob Jung received purple ribbons for his Spotted Breeding Gilt and his Duroc Breeding Gilt. He also placed third in his class with his Duroc Gilt.

Market Swine had two entries. Jacob Jung received a purple ribbon for his Crossbred Market Barrow and his Duroc Market Barrow. He also placed third in his class with the Duroc Barrow.

Dairy Goat had two entries. Alexis Fischer received blue ribbons for Nigerian Dwarf Milking Yearling and her 3–5 Year-Old Doe.

Rabbit had 10 entries. Grant Fischer received purple ribbon for his French Lop Senior Buck and a blue ribbon for his Polish Senior Buck. Jillian Fischer received purple ribbons for her French Lop Junior Doe and her Polish Senior Buck and blue ribbons for her Flemish Giant Senior Doe and her Polish Senior Doe. Tara Fischer received a purple ribbon for her Netherland Dwarf Senior Buck and blue ribbons for her Netherland Dwarf Senior Doe, and her Holland Lop Senior Doe and Senior Buck.

Raymond Fitz-Patrick and Emerald Wittmeier also attended the State Dog Show. Raymond received a purple ribbon in Obedience Basic A, red in Rally Novice A, and blue in Novice Showmanship. Emerald received a purple in Agility on Leash, red in Obedience Basis B, blue in Rally Novice B, and purple in Novice Showmanship.


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