Weather Summary

Summary for 47 months of September that I have recorded:

Highest recorded temp.: 105° on Sept. 2, 1983

Lowest recorded temp.: 20° on Sept. 22, 1983

Current average high temp.: 72°

Current average low temp.: 46°

Number of 100° temps. or higher: 4

Number of 90° temps.: 94

Hottest September on record: 1978 (Average high temp. 80°)

Coolest September on record: 1985 (Average high temp. 64°)

Number of killing frosts: 9 (None since 2012)

Most precip. in a month’s time: 6.47 during Sept., 1996

Most precip. in a day’s time: 2.23 on Sept. 8, 2009

Least precip. in a month’s time: .03 during Sept. 2012

(This month will end with 27 straight days of no precip. and will extend into Oct. for another 16 days)

Most number of days of recorded precip.: 8 days during Sept., 2010

Introduction to 47 months of October

The average current high temp. drops from 72° in Sept. to 58° in Oct. and the low drops from 46° to 33°. The Septembers that did survive a killing frost (38 did) will quickly succumb to it in October.

All in all, the first half of October is a very pleasant month regarding temps. and at times extends will into the last half of the month.

Precip. average drops from 2.07 in Sept. to 1.60 in October with a good possibility of snow by the end of the month.

Below freezing temps. are common in night time readings from the middle to the end of the month.


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Rendered 10/12/2024 02:03