Weather Summary

The average October precip. for Ipswich is currently 1.60. October ranks 7th for amounts of precip. during a year.

Snowfall is possible by the end of the month mainly because of freezing night time temps. by this time. Snowfall is rare though because my records show only nine Octobers out of 47 have measurable amounts of snow and all melted in a few days. The most measurable snowfall for the month of October is 11 inches during 2020. The 11 inches came from three snow events on the 20th, 22nd & 24th. The rest of the nine months had measurements from 4 to 1 inch.

The following are some extreme precip. amounts from 47 years:

1998: Extreme high moisture for the month of 5.46 coming mainly in two rain events of 2.00 Oct. 4-6 and 2.28 Oct. 15-17.

2009: Extreme wet month which totaled 5.35 – Highest day amount came on the 1st of 1.17 and 1.03 on day 5.

2013: Wet month with a total of 4.43 and three inches of snow on the 29th – 12 days of recorded precip. with the most on the 14th at 1.11.

2021: Precip. heavy at 4.43 with a huge rain on the 9th of 2.00.

1982: Precip. heavy for October at 4.41 all coming the first 12 days of the month with 2.26 on the 9th the most in a day’s time – Thunder 4 days which is rare for this month.

1993: The only October in which no precip. was recorded.

2006: Extremely low precip. of .06 which came on the 3rd and then started a dry period that lasted 86 days (Oct 4th – Dec 29th) a record for no precip..


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