District 3 voters elect County Commissioner

Two candidates are vying for the seat to serve as County Commissioner in the Third District. Candidates Micheal J. Geditz and the incumbent Jerome Schaffner.

Only voters in the Third District are eligible to vote in that election: voters in Cleveland, Fountain, Harmony, Ipswich, Kent, Liberty, Powell, Rosette, and Union Townships and those in the northeast section of Ipswich City (North of US Hwy 12 and East of 4th Street).

Each candidate answered a few questions:

Micheal J. Geditz

Family and Background: I am a lifelong resident of Edmunds County. I grew up south of Ipswich on my family’s farm and was able to raise my family there for the past 30 years. My wife, Gwen, and I have been married for almost 43 years. We have three daughters: April Denholm, married to Ross Denholm; Amanda Geditz, married to Derek Glenn; and Kristin Geditz. I am the proud grandpa of two grandchildren, Aurora and Zephyr. I have worked at Agtegra for over 45 years and also served as the Treasurer of the Harmony Township Board for 20 years. I am an active member of New Life Fellowship Church.

Why are you running for Edmunds County Commissioner: It’s something that I’ve been thinking about doing for a lot of years, and I feel like I am now in a position to dedicate time to serving the county. There are concerns and ideas that members of this community have, and I would like the opportunity to help make a difference for them.

What experience would you bring to this position: As a farmer and an employee, I understand the issues on both sides of the fence and have experience dealing with those issues. While on the Harmony Township Board, I worked with FEMA to obtain funding for improvements to the roads.

What would your goals be as a Commissioner: To listen. People deserve a voice in the decisions of the county. One of my main goals would be to bring your opinions and your concerns to the table.

Jerome Schaffner

Family and Background: Married 42 years to my wife Carol. Three children: Jess, Tom and Mark. Six grandsons and one granddaughter with one on the way. I am retired, but work part-time for Prescription Ag in Ipswich. I am a member of Holy Cross. We live on a small farm southeast of Ipswich.

Why are you running for Edmunds County Commissioner: To make sure tax dollars are spent wisely, also to make sure the people of Edmunds County receive the services they are entitled to.

What experience would you bring to this position: I have four years of experience on the County Commission. I sat on the Ipswich School Board for 21 years. The Adrian and Powell Township boards for 22 years. I have 25 years of experience with the Highway Departmemt. I have worked with a variety of people over the years on different boards to achieve a positive outcome.

What would your goals be as a Commissioner: To be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers of the county. Make sure all the county employees are compensated and treated fairly. To have safe, dependable, and updated equipment. If you have a problem and its not getting solved, you can call me anytime.


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