There are a few items to briefly comment on here.
For one thing the upcoming time change. And please don’t get me started on that!
It was fun to watch the ocean of faces in the recent All-State Orchestra and Chorus concert. It’s always fun to look for and hopefully locate some familiar faces. Fun to watch and easy on the ears. Even the trumpets seemed to be quite mellow.
Tena looks at it as a live version of “Where’s Waldo.” You look for the unique items in the chorus. The boy with a large red afro hair really stood out. One year an Ipswich singer wore a white formal, in a sea of black dresses. She was easy to find, then you could find the rest. Check on Thanksgiving when they do a re-broadcast of the program.
And the upcoming election day is Tuesday! These seem to be getting to the point where our democracy as we know it could be threatened.
And finally good luck to our area volleyballers still in the post-season hunt.
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