IHS Girls win first tournament game

Game schedules have been postponed due to this week's winter weather.

Region 6B girls basketball play began Monday, Feb. 20.

Ipswich and Sunshine Bible Academy played Monday in Ipswich. The Tigers won the game 43-29.

The Region 6B teams are: #1 - Sully Buttes, #2 - Potter County, #3 - Lyman, #4 - Herreid/Selby Area, #5 - Lower Brule, #6 - Faulkton Area, #7 - Highmore-Harrold, #8 - Ipswich and #9 - Sunshine Bible Academy.

The IHS Tigers were scheduled to play the #1 seed, Sully Buttes there on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

Other games set for Feb. 21 were Seed #4 vs. Seed #5, Seed #2 vs. Seed #7 and Seed #...


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