The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune November 7, 1929 edition

Eastern Star, Masons Have Hallowe’en Party

The Hallowe’en party was held Friday evening at the Temple for the Eastern Star and Masonic members and their families.

The rooms were appropriately decorated in Hallowe’en novelties-black cats, witches, skeletons, bats, owls and Jack-o-Lanterns appearing in profusion.

Several members of the entertainment committee wore costumes-old-fashioned and were witches and ghosts.

As the quests entered they were met at the door and properly initiated into the fun.

Numerous stunts and games furnished amusement.

The entertainment committee was Mrs. Q. W. Hutchinson, Mrs. Emrye Lewis, Mrs. Benj. Jones, Mrs. John Evald, Anna Berg and Mrs. H. W. Hembd.

A Hallowe’en Lunch of chicken sandwiches, pickles, pumpkin pie and coffee was served. Mrs. Grover Roberts, Mrs. John Thomas, Mrs. Geo Meadows, Mrs. Harry Coulter and Emily Roberts was the refreshments committee.


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