Voters select Mayor Tuesday

Ipswich residents will elect their Mayor on Tuesday, April 11. The election polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the 4-H Building.

The candidates are the incumbent LeRoy Kilber and Hank Baker.

If the polls cannot be opened because of bad weather, the election may be postponed one week.

Voters with disabilities may contact the City Finance Officer for information and assistance in absentee voting.

The candidates each answered Tribune questionnaires. Their responses follow:


Family and Background: I have been married to wife, Charlotte, for 39 years. I have three children, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

I have an Associate Degree in Construction Engineering. My work experience includes supervisor in a furniture factory as well as owning and operating cabinet-making and construction businesses. I also have 23 years of experience working for engineering and phone companies doing long-term planning as well as drafting and engineering (telephone, CATV, water and pipelines). I also established the bid processes as well as coordinated the construction of associated projects.

Why are you running for Mayor: I would like to see Ipswich grow. Growth requires planning. If elected, I would like to implement a long-term growth plan to set priorities for growth and improvements going forward. This needs to be done in a responsible and thoughtful way while considering all financial implications as well as input from the community.

How will you meet the needs of the residents of Ipswich: If elected, I will strive to bring financial accountability and transparency to the residents. I will bring clarity and fairness to all decision-making processes.

If elected, I will have an open-door policy. I will respectfully listen to everyone, be honest, impartial and open-minded.

I believe my common-sense approach as well as my managerial, engineering and construction experience will be an asset as mayor.

If elected, I will strive to improve the budget process to enable the City to stay within the approved budget. I would like to implement long-term budget planning. This would better enable funding of future projects as well as reduce additional financial impact on the residents of Ipswich.

What would your goals be as Ipswich Mayor: The duty of the Mayor is to oversee the day-to-day operations of the City. If elected, I intend to be a hands-on city manager to fulfill those duties and I have the time to be able to do so. Since the storm sewer project is already underway, getting that finished with the most value for the money and with the least financial impact to the residents is a high priority. I would also like to focus on planning, budgeting and funding for future projects.


Family and Background: I grew up in Roscoe and have lived in Ipswich for the past 47 years with my wife, Marian, and raised our four children here.

I have served as a city councilman, presently Mayor, member and past president of Ipswich Development Corp., past instructor and volunteer for the Shooting Sports Program, past fireman, and volunteered many hours on the Fitness Center, Tiger Post, and Clinic and the 4-H program. Was a recipient of the Ipswich Betterment Award and the 1993 State of South Dakota Volunteer of the Year Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service to Community and State.

Why are you running for Mayor: I believe when the City invests in infrastructure (parks, streets, utilities and buildings) then our businesses and residents invest in their businesses and homes. The City then continues to grow. I will keep that growth growing. We live in a great community with good, hardworking people, and I will work hard for all of you.

How will you meet the needs of the residents of Ipswich / What would your goals be as the Ipswich Mayor:

In the past 10 years, the City has received millions of dollars in grant money for projects. In the past two years the City has been awarded 2.177 million dollars in grant money for various projects like the storm sewer, basketball court, and the shared use path (sidewalk from school to pool). This week we were notified that we received another grant for Capital Improvement Planning. Staying on top of grant opportunities and keeping the best interests of the residents of Ipswich in mind is very important to me.


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