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From the Ipswich Tribune December 5, 1929 edition


Tribune Asks for Discussion of Question Through Its Column-What Do You Think About It?

The question of a new jail or a new court house for Edmunds County is one that confronts the county commissioners and the people of the county and cannot be passed up much longer without serious results.

The jail and living rooms for the sheriff in the basement are in a very unsanitary condition.

At one time as many as eleven prisoners were in the jail. Of course, it was for only a short time but there are some most of the time. What about a damage suit against the county in case of sickness even though it is not the result of confinement in the jail. Such a case could be transferred to another county for trial and Edmunds County has had one experience of this kind and should not want another.

Another thing to be considered is lack of room. At this time the county judge, sheriff, states attorney and highway superintendent have their offices outside the court house and the rental paid would go a long way on paying interest on the cost of an ample building. Those who office in the court house are hampered for room. Many valuable records have had to be transferred to the basement and the dampness there is ruining the same. In a few years many more than at present will be of no value as records. The paper and leather are rapidly decaying.

The fund for a new court house now amounts to some thirty thousand dollars and is increasing about ten thousand a year. This will not build a court house but a jail and sheriff’s residence, room for some offices and a safe place for surplus records.

It is a county question and we would like to have expression from the taxpayers of the county as to their views. We are confident the commissioners will welcome suggestions. The Tribune columns are open. Let’s have the question discussed sanely and seriously.


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