Silver Star 4-H Club

The Silver Stars 4-H club met Sunday, July 23, 2023 at Bryan and Jessica Scherr residence. President Kendra Scherr called the meeting to order and led the flag pledges. Secretary Nicholas Fuhrmann read the minutes and they were approved as read by Kaleb Scherr, seconded by Nicholas Fuhrmann.

The Treasurer’s report was given by Kaleb Scherr. (Checking-$1,559.66, Savings-$531.18) Treasurer’s report was motioned to approve by Kaleb Scherr, seconded by Sydney Holmes. Expenses will be submitted at the next meeting.

Old Business: Paint has been purchased and club members will make their livestock signs following the meeting.

New Business: Leader Jessica Scherr informed the club of the deadline for Achievement Days registration, BBQ ticket sales, and queen candidate ballots is July 26. Achievement Days is Aug. 2-4, so the club will decorate their booth on Tuesday, Aug. 1 at 6:30 p.m. The theme for our booth is Cornhole. Members were reminded to have their concession stand donations in to the office by Aug. 2 and to make sure to note the changes in this year’s Achievement Days schedule.

Members were also informed of deadline for registering State Fair as of Aug. 8 and that projects should be at the office by Aug. 28.

A motion was made by Nicholas Fuhrmann to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kaleb Scherr. President Kendra Scherr adjourned the meeting.

Following the meeting club members painted their livestock signs.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Nicholas Fuhrmann


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