Fiddin' Around

Fortunately the heaviest rain storms avoided us early Saturday during the opening hours of the Ipswich community rummage sales. But the precipitation would unfortunately intensify which still didn't hinder the sales that were totally indoors. On the other hand it may have even improved the attendance at those locations which were totally indoors or at least mostly inside.

There had already been some shower activity late Friday, late enough in the day to probably not affect the remainder of the Edmunds County Achievement Days that were scheduled at the 4-H grounds in Ipswich.

It seemed like the 4H food booth was a busy place to be during the 2023 Achievement Days and this will most likely be true at the upcoming Brown County Fair. You can always observe which food booths are the busiest with a lot of waiting time to stand for your order. But not so much at the rest of the booths!

Let's hope the fair goers won't have to endure much rain while they are waiting for their food. (That hasn't always been the case at some past Brown County Fairs!) It sounds like there could be quite a variety of entertainers at this year's event.


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