Weather Summary

Summary for August 2023

Highest recorded temp. for August 2023: 92° on August 22

Record: 106° on August 17, 1976 & August 15, 1988

Average high temp. for August 2023: 82°

Average high temp. for 48 months of August: 82°

Lowest recorded temp. for August 2023: 52° on August 26

Record: 35° on August 22, 1982

Average low temp. for August 2023: 61°

Average low temp. for 48 months of August: 57°

Number of 100° days for August 2023: None

Record: Five in 1976 & 1988

Number of 90° days for August 2023: Two

Record: Twenty days in 1983

Number of days of recorded precip. for August 2023: Five

Record: Nine days in 1980

Total precip. for August 2023: 4.08

Record: 6.28 in 2014

Driest August in 48 months of August: .19 in 1996

Most precip. in a day’s time during August 2023: 1.92 on the 5th

Record: 3.39 during 2014

Hottest August in 48 years: 1983

Average high temp. of 91°

One 100° on the 7th

Every other day (30 days) the high temp. was in the 80s & 90s

Twenty of these days were in the 90s

Coolest August in 48 years: 2019

Average high temp. of 75°

Only six days were in the 80s

All other days (25 days) the high temp. was in the 60s & 70s


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Rendered 01/27/2025 14:11