Edmunds County 4-Hers earn livestock honors

There were 37 livestock exhibits representing Edmunds County at the S.D. State Fair.

They had several members who were awarded top honors in their division. The honors include: Senior Brady Beitelspacher-Overall Grand Champion Market Beef with his Chianina Steer, Chianina Division Winner, and Charolais Division Winner; Senior Jillian Fischer-Champion Babydoll Ram and Fifth Place Overall Supreme Ram; Senior Charli Rawden-Reserve Champion Mini Hereford; Junior Maggie Holt-Champion Chianina Heifer; Junior Jacob Jung-Champion Duroc Breeding Gilt and Reserve Champion Purebred Breeding Gilt.

Several members participated in the Showmanship contests. Maggie Holt received a purple ribbon and placed Second Overall in Junior Beef Showmanship. Jacob Jung received a purple ribbon and placed Third Overall in Senior Swine Showmanship. Kathryn Kilber received a purple ribbon and placed Second Overall in Senior Sheep Showmanship. Others placing in Beef Showmanship were Sydney Holmes-blue, and Charli Rawden-blue. Others placing in sheep showmanship were Grant Fischer-blue, Jillian Fischer-blue. In Dairy Goat Showmanship Alexis Fischer received a blue ribbon. In Rabbit Showmanship Dora Bonen received a red ribbon, Grant Fischer-purple, Jillian Fischer-purple, and Tara Fischer-red.

There were six entries in the Breeding Beef Class. Alexis Fischer received a red ribbon for her Commercial Breeding Heifer. Maggie Holt received a purple ribbon for her Angus Breeding Heifer, purple ribbon for her Chianina Breeding Heifer. Maggie also received Champion Chianina Heifer. Charli Rawden received a purple ribbon for her Hereford Breeding Heifer, and two purple ribbons for her Mini Hereford Breeding Heifers. Charli also received Reserve Champion Mini Hereford.

Market Beef had three entries. Brady Beitelspacher received a purple ribbon for his Chianina Market Steer, and a purple ribbon for his Charolais Market Steer. Both of Brady's Steers were division winners. Sydney Holmes received a purple ribbon for her Shorthorn Plus Market Steer and was first in her class.

Breeding Sheep had 12 entries. In the Targhee Division, Brady Kilber received a purple ribbon for his Fall Ewe Lamb, a purple ribbon and was first in his class with his Early Spring Ewe, a purple ribbon for his Early Spring Ram, and a purple ribbon and was first in his class with his Late Spring Ram; and Kathryn Kilber received a purple ribbon and was first in her class with her Fall Ewe Lamb, a purple ribbon for her Late Spring Ewe, and a purple ribbon for her Early Spring Ram. In the Southdown Baby Doll Division, Grant Fischer received a blue ribbon for his Late Spring Ewe and a blue ribbon for his Yearling Ram; and Jillian Fischer received third purple for her Late Spring Ewe, and a purple ribbon for her Late Spring Ram. Jillian's Ram also received Champion Babydoll Ram and fifth place Overall Supreme Ram. Kathryn Kilber also received a purple ribbon for her Early Spring Ewe in the Any Other Wool Breed division.

Market Sheep had four entries. Sydney Holmes received a blue ribbon for her Crossbred Market Wether, and a red and blue ribbon for her Crossbred Market Ewes; and Wyatt Holmes received a red ribbon for his Crossbred Market Ewe.

Breeding Swine had two entries. Jacob Jung received a purple ribbon on his Duroc Breeding Gilt, and a blue ribbon for his Crossbred Breeding Gilt. Jacob's Duroc was also named Champion Duroc Breeding Gilt and Fourth Overall Purebred Breeding Gilt.

Market Swine had two entries. Jacob Jung received a purple ribbon for his Crossbred Market Gilt and a blue ribbon for his Duroc Market Barrow.

Dairy Goat had one entry. Alexis Fischer received a red ribbon for her Two Year Old Nigerian Dwarf Doe.

Rabbit had seven entries. Dora Bonen received a blue ribbon on her Mini Lop Junior Doe; Grant Fischer received a purple ribbon for his American Chinchilla Senior Buck and a blue ribbon for his Satin Senior Buck; Jillian Fischer received a blue ribbon on her Polish Senior Buck; and Tara Fischer received a blue ribbon on her Netherland Dwarf Senior Buck, a blue ribbon on her Holland Lop Senior Buck, and a blue ribbon on her Holland Lop Senior Doe.


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