Powell Church service

The Annual Powell Church Service was held on September 24 with over 50 in attendance.  

The church was moved to the Ipswich Pioneer Village 39 years ago. The event was hosted by the Flower and Garden Club of Ipswich. 

Carl Perry of Aberdeen spoke on "The Good Samaritan" and offered a Prayer.  

Twelve former church members were present. Bonnie Hodson welcomed everyone with a Bulletin and Glen Hodson and Bob Wagner served as ushers. Patty Kadlec of the Garden Club welcomed everyone.  Maureen Howell gave the Call to Worship. Dennis Benton gave the Prayer.  Marsha Howard gave the Benediction. Bob Pond led the singing of Hymns accompanied by Leann Fredrickson on the antique organ in the church.  Roland Pond was the Special Music.  He sang an old familiar hymn-" Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise"

Leann Fredrickson read greetings from Randy Richards, Mary Ellen Manthai and Maris Evans.  

Memorial Remembrance of Beth Pond, Duane Holsing and Jim Jones were given by Carol Pond.   

A Pot Luck followed the service at the UCC Church. The Flower and Garden Club hosted this meal, which was enjoyed by everyone with food and visiting.  

Carl Perry offered the Blessing and Leann Fredrickson shared her story of "Milking Cows on the Farm". Twelve SKIT (Seniors Keeping in Touch) from the NLF Church of Aberdeen were in attendance invited by Leann and Dale Fredrickson who lead the group in Aberdeen.   Carl Perry is a member of this group. 


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