2024 Ipswich Snow Queen crowned

The Ipswich Commercial Club hosted the 2024 Snow Queen Festival on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 22, 2023 in the School Theatre.

2023 Snow Queen Jailey Hutson crowned Karlie Gohl as the 2024 Miss Ipswich Snow Queen. Evelyn Tran was the first runner-up. She was also chosen Miss Congeniality by the senior contestants.

2023 Junior Miss Ipswich Gracyn Kadlec crowned Anna Nierman 2024 Junior Miss Ipswich. Lindsey Mehlberg was the first runner-up. The junior contestants chose Hope Wagner to be Miss Congeniality.

The 2023 Queens interviewed the first grade Princess and Prince candidates. Chosen randomly to reign were Princess Cortlynn Kessler and Prince Andrew Pitz.

Nate Collins was the emcee. The theme was "Do You Believe in Magic."

The 2024 Snow Queens will participate in the 2024 South Dakota Queen Festival in Aberdeen in January.


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