The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune Thursday, Jan. 2, 1930 edition

Missing Man is found after organized search

Last Saturday evening when word went out over the phone lines that Tommy Davies was missing from his home in Liberty township practically every man within a radius of many miles responded and soon several hundred men were on deck with cars and lanterns to help in the search for him.

Tom has been suffering recently with very severe headaches and it was feared that he was suffering from one of these and had become bewildered and wandered away or that he had been the victim of some accident.

A systematic search was made over fields adjoining his home. Many of the men searched most of the night. At eight o’clock the next morning the men re-assembled and spread out in wider circles. About noon on Sunday Arthur Viertel accompanied by Fred Getsman and his son Frank Getsman drove by a large haystack about a mile and three quarters northwest of the Davies home and noticing a small bunch of loose hay on the ground at the side of the stack decided to look closer. Here, partially covered with the loose hay they found Tommy. He was asleep or unconscious. They were not able to arouse him to consciousness and carried him to the car and hurried him to his home where Dr. Hill soon arrived. Miss Hillstead, a trained nurse from Aberdeen is now in charge at his bedside and indications are that Tom will soon be out again.


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