Summary for November 2023 and Records
Highest recorded temp. for Nov. 2023: 63° on the 14th
Record: 85° on Nov. 2, 1988
Average high temp. for Nov. 2023: 47°
Average high temp. for 48 Novembers: 40°
Lowest recorded temp. for Nov. 2023: 11° on the 1st
Record: -20° on Nov. 27, 1985
Average low temp. for Nov. 2023: 20°
Average low temp. for 48 Novembers: 20°
There was only one 80° day in 48 Novembers and that was 85° on Nov. 2, 1988
There was at least one 70° day during 8 out of 48 Novembers
There was at least one 60° day during 20 out of 48 Novembers (Three during 2023)
There was at least one zero or below readings during 24 out of 48 Novembers (None in 2023)
The November that had the most zero of below readings: Twelve during 1986
Total precip for November 2023: .37
Record: 2.32 during November 1977
Average precip. for 48 Novembers: .62
Least precip. in 48 Novembers: None in 1980, 1999, 2006 & 2007
Most precip. in a day’s time for 2023: .32 on the 5th
Record: 1.14 on Nov. 8, 1977
Latest thunder in a year was recorded on Nov. 12, 1988 in a rain event of .15
Snowfall for November 2023: Trace
Record: 24 inches in 1993
Most snowfall in a day’s time: 9 inches on Nov. 24, 2005
Warmest November in 48 years: 2001 / Average high temp. of 54° / 15 days in the 60s & 70s and 4 in the 50s
Coolest November in 48 years: 2014 / Average high temp. of 30° / Six readings of zero or below with -12 the lowest
Extremely cold after the 10th with the average high for the last 20 days of only 21 degrees
Worst November in 48 years regarding weather: 1985
After the first six days that averaged 53° the bottom fell out. All night time readings after this were below freezing with eleven straight nights of zero or below at the end of the month
Four days in a row at the end of the month it never got above zero which extended into the first two days of December for a total of six
The lowest temp. of the eleven nights was -20 on the 27th
Moisture was high at 1.22 with 20 inches of snow and several blizzards that left a snow pack of 17 inches into December.
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