Hosmer and Ipswich Community Blood Drives planned this month

Hosmer and Vitalant will be sponsoring a Blood Drive on Monday, Jan. 8 from 9 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. in the Hosmer Fire Hall.

To make an appointment go to vitalant.org or contact Judy, 605-283-2430.

A Community Blood Drive is also planned in Ipswich on Thursday, Jan. 18 from 1:15 to 6 p.m. in the Holy Cross Hall.

To make an appointment contact Jerald Brooks, 605-380-1925 or online at Vitalant.org - Donate Now. The Blood Drive code is Ipswich. The Lions Club is sponsoring the drive.

Answer the follow questions to see if you meet the basic eligibility requirements:

Health Status and age

• Do you weigh less than 110 pounds?

• Are you 15 years or younger?

• Are you ill or not feeling well today?


• Are you taking antibiotics today for an active infection?

• Have you taken Accutane, Proscar and Propecia in the last month?

• Have you taken Coumadin/ Warfarin in the last seven days?

Travel and Residence Abroad

• In the past three months have you spent more than 24 hours in (traveled to) any individual location outside of the U.S. or Canada?

• If yes, did you travel to any of the countries or cities listed as a malarial risk area (check with Vitalant staff)

Even if you answered no to all questions, there’s a chance you may be ineligible to donate based on information you provide on the health history questionnaire and during the pre-donation interview.

Blood donations are needed daily to maintain a strong blood supply and meet ongoing patient needs. Vitalant encourages healthy individuals to make blood donation a part of one’s regular routine to help meet the ongoing needs.


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