
The Edmunds Central third grade just finished a lesson on caring for the environment in social studies and persuasive writing in language arts. The students wrote Letters to the Editor, which follow:

January 29, 2024

Dear Editor,

Stop and recycle that can! Did you know that you can recycle cans, glass bottles, and plastic? You didn't? Then I will tell you how. 1. collect empty cans 2. take to a recycling center. You just recycled!


Jack Meier

January 29, 2024

Dear Editor,

Did I just see you throw wrappers on the ground? I don't want you to pollute! It is not good for the earth and for you! You should put your trash in the trash can! It can hurt the air, water, land, and anything or anyone else! Will you start putting your trash in the trash?


Bella Wesch

January 29, 2024

Dear Editor,

Do you know how to recycle? Let me tell you. When you recycle something it can be reused. Think of a newspaper.You can throw it in a bin and recycle it. It's that easy!


Hadley Rohrbach

January 29, 2024

Dear Editor

Hey, don't throw garbage on the floor! If you throw garbage on the floor then animals can't live a peaceful life.Water animals like fish and whales can choke on the garbage.So please don't pollute.


Annabelle Heyne

January 29, 2024

Dear Editor,

Have you thrown trash on the ground? If you have, you are polluting the environment. If we pollute too much, we could destroy the earth. I would like you to consider recycling, or pick up the trash. We need to keep our earth clean. If we don't we could kill more than 600 million people.


Jack Cody Wesch

January 29, 2024

Dear Editor,

Stop! Don't you know that newspapers can be recycled! Do you recycle? Recycling is good for plants and animals. The recycling center takes newspapers. Please start to recycle.


Travis Ellwein


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