
A new Jail is a WIN for everyone in Edmund’s County

After the closing of the Jail in Ipswich at the County building it has come to my attention that anyone that is detained by the Edmund’s County Sheriff has to be transported to the nearest jail that has room. This causes an issue for the safety of the residents of Edmund’s

County. We currently have five law enforcement officers - a Sheriff and four deputies.

With Edmunds County covering 1151 square miles, our safety is at risk if one of the deputies has to transport a prisoner out of the County. If one of the deputies is transporting a person who has been detained and another deputy is tied up on a call this leaves the residents of Edmunds County without adequate protection.

The addition of the new jail facilities will allow deputies to process detainees in our jurisdiction as well as be able to respond appropriately to calls for services in our County in a timely manner. The addition of a Jail could also bring in additional income to the county by housing prisoners for the surrounding counties.

I worked as a first responder in California for over 30 years and I believe the safety of the residents of Edmunds County is the number one priority of the sheriff. Please remember to turnout and vote”yes” for the new jail facility in March.

Thank you for your time,

William Tweedy, Ipswich


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