From the Ipswich Tribune April 3, 1930 edition
New library buildings are to be erected at Mobridge and Ipswich and will probably be completed this fall.
The library at Ipswich is to be a gift to the city presented by the heirs of Marcus P. Beebe, a pioneer banker in Edmunds County. According to the present plans the building will be constructed of native boulders with a roof of tile. The present floor plan provides for a one-story building with a basement. The main floor will consist of one large rectangular room which will not be partitioned except by low floor stacks. A fireplace will probably be built in the children’s department and the floor will be covered with a composition tile. Mr. H. E. Beebe, who is especially active in planning from the building is well known to South Dakota librarians as the president of the Ipswich Library Board and as one of the most interested Library trustees in the state. His hobby is advertising, and he believes that advertising is just as necessary in the library administration as in the banking business. The library and the bank stand side by side and share his attention.
The library at Mobridge is to be the gift of Mr. A. H. Brown, the present mayor of the city. The building will be constructed of dull faced tapestry brick with trimmings of Bedford stone. The roof will be of tile and the floor of composition tile. Like the building at Ipswich there will be no partitions on the main floor. The basement will include an auditorium and adequate storage space. The cost will be in the neighborhood of $15,000.00.
While plans for neither building have been definitely accepted as yet, the plans for the Mobridge building are being drawn by Mr. George F. Fossum, of Aberdeen, while Mr. J. W. Henry, also of Aberdeen is preparing the plans for the Ipswich library.
The Library Commission has been frequently consulted regarding the plans for both buildings.
-South Dakota Library Bulletin
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