Weather Summary for March 2024 and records

Summary for March 2024 and records

Highest recorded temp.: 66° on the 11th/Record: 85° on March 18, 2012

Lowest recorded temp.: 5° on the 26th/Record: -22° on March 1, 1980

Average high temp. for March over 49 years: 40°

Average high temp. for March 2024: 43°

Average low temp. for March over 49 years: 19°

Average low temp. for March 2024: 20°

Average precip. for March over 49 years: 1.15

Precip. for March 2024: .45

Average snowfall for March over 49 years: 6 inches

Snowfall for March 2024: 6 inches

Number of frosty nights for March 2024: 28/Record: 31 in 1996, 1997 & 1998

Coldest March in 49 years: 2019

Average high temp.: 30°

Average low temp.: 14°

Extreme cold for the first 11 days, average high 15° and low 4°

Mildest March in 49 years: 2012

Average high temp.: 59°, low 30 degrees

17 days where the high temp. was in the 60’s and 70’s and two in the 80’s

Least snowfall for the month of March: None in 2012


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