The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune June 12, 1930 edition

Man Killed in Accident West of Mina Sunday

Louis Warnecke of Aberdeen was instantly killed Sunday evening in an automobile accident on the Yellowstone Trail, two miles west of Mina.

Mr. Warnecke in company with his wife and two sons, a boy by the name of Tompkins also of Aberdeen, and Frank Schaible, owner and driver of the Ford coupe, were returning from Ipswich. They had been visiting at the Paul Sandau home near Ipswich and were returning to Aberdeen. Mr. Warnecke and two of the boys were riding in the rumble seat of the car.

The accident occurred when Schaible tried to pass another car, also going east. The car swerved into the ditch and road along in the ditch for a ways and then coming back upon the highway and turned turtle. Mr. Warnecke’s head was crushed when he leaned out from the car and was struck by a telephone post as the car whizzed by. When the car turned over, his lifeless body was thrown out of the car upon the ground.

Deputy Sheriff August Schumacher, Coroner Robert de Malignon and Dr. Robert Hill went to the scene of the accident. The body was taken to Bowdle and brought to Ipswich on Monday where a coroner’s inquest was held. Schaible, the driver was arrested and is being held in the Edmunds County jail.

Funeral services for Mr. Warnecke are being held today (Thursday) at Breckenridge, Minn. He leaves a wife and two sons, and seven brothers to mourn their loss. He has been a resident of Aberdeen the past three year.


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