Weather Summary

Summary for April 2024 and records

Highest recorded temp. for April 2024: 86° on the 13th — Record: 97° on April 30, 1992

Lowest recorded temp. for April 2024: 30° on the 1st — Record: 0 degrees on April 2, 1975

Average high temp. for April over 49 years: 55°

Average high temp. for April 2024: 60°

Average low temp. for April over 49 years: 31°

Average low temp. for April 2024: 35°

Number of nights of below freezing temps. April 2024: 8 — Record: 28 during April 2013

Precip. for April 2024: 3.52

Average precip. for April over 49 years: 1.82

Wettest April on record: 6.20 1986

Driest April on record: Trace 1987

Number of days of recorded precip. for April 2024: 9 — Record: 13 days during April 1986

Snow amounts for April 2024: None — Record 25” during April 2019

Warmest month of April: 1987 with an average high of 66°

Coolest month of April: 1975 with an average high of 45°


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Rendered 10/16/2024 15:41