Ipswich City Council appoints Mike Steen as new Mayor

The Ipswich City Council appointed a new mayor during their Council meeting on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

The meeting opened with ongoing business. Council president Mike Steen presided in the absence of Mayor LeRoy Kilber, who had resigned earlier.

Council member Mike Heinz made a motion to appoint Mike Steen as mayor. The council voted 4-1 in favor, with David Coisman voting no.

The council adjourned that section of the meeting and continued with the council re-organization. The oath of office was administered to Mayor Steen and council members Tracy Hutson, Kayla Hartwell, Mike Hammrich and Mike Heinz.

They thanked Chris Gillick for his time as a council member. He resigned earlier.

The council discussed changing the building permit process to simplify it. Projects that will not change the building structure will not require a permit, such as replacing shingles, windows, gutters, siding and landscaping.

The public comment session included questions of chip sealing and street repairs and resignations and how they should be filled.

After an executive session the council accepted the resignation of Brian Schlosser, Public Works Supervisor. Laramie Knoll was promoted to fill the opening.


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