
To the Editor:

This letter is in response to the letter printed in the May 15, 2024, Ipswich Tribune by Ed Bierman. I merely wish to point out to Mr. Bierman that his analysis and application of the law in this matter is incorrect.

Mr. Bierman referred to SDCL 9-9-8 and implies that the Ipswich City Council is not adhering to this particular law. He is correct in stating that the City Council has not adhered to SDCL 9-9-8. However, the reason for this is simply due to the fact that the City of Ipswich does not have a commissioner form of government. The form of government adopted by the City of Ipswich is an aldermanic form of government which is outlined in SDCL chapter 9-8.

SDCL 9-8-2 refers to a vacancy in the office of mayor. It states that in the event of a vacancy, the office of mayor shall be filled by a majority vote of the aldermen appointing a mayor who will serve in such capacity until the next annual election or by special election as provided in SDCL 9-13-14.2, which requires that the municipal ordinances must call for a special election if a vacancy in the office of mayor occurs. Ipswich City ordinances do not call for or require a special election.

Therefore, the City Council acted properly in appointing a mayor who will hold said office until the next annual election.

- Vaughn P. Beck


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