Cloverbud 4-H campers enjoy projects and games

Twenty-eight Cloverbud 4-H members from Edmunds and McPherson County enjoyed Cloverbud Camp on Wednesday, June 12 at the 4-H Building in Ipswich. This year's camp included a Sponge Garden and several STEM activities.

STEM projects included Hover Balloons, Paper Spinners, Exploding Boomerangs, Marshmallow Structures, Slime, and Egg Parachutes.

Campers enjoyed BBQ's, chips, and cookies for their lunch.

Games throughout the day included Rainbow, Plastic Cup Relay, Balance the Penny on your Nose and Running Relays.

Camp would not have been possible without the help of the 4-H Educators Bonnie Nehlich and Jackie Rau and Cloverbud Leaders Sarah Perrion and Jackie Kessler. Extra help was given by Morgan Weisser, Hannah Beyers, Dora Bonen, Ava Davis, Jillian Fischer, Ben Hoyle, Gracyn Kadlec, Olivia Kadlec, Nevaeh Moser, and Emerald Wittmeier.


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