
To the Editor:

Were you aware that Edmunds County kinda/sorta has a GOP group? The committee is made up of primarily lawyers and a lobbyist.

I asked the group committee about becoming a member, no offers or instructions on how to join were made. I asked how many were in the group and who they were, no information was provided. I then asked when the group meets and was told, “whenever we fell like it.” Doesn’t sound like much of a group representing the electors of the county right.

I then contacted the state GOP chairman and asked if he was aware of this group and if it was legitimate. While he dodged my question like any good politician, he never confirmed the group’s legitimacy.

June 8 was the last day of the GOP convention held in Pierre. On this day the county representatives cast their votes for Public Utilities Commissioner, RNC Committeeman, RNC Committeewoman and State Electoral College representatives. There are sixty-six counties eligible in the state to cast their votes for these four important offices. Of the sixty-six counties, ONE of them didn’t vote at all, Edmunds County was not represented!

With SB201 and other important issues happening within the county/state it is important that we have someone representing us, even if it is to simply apply pressure to our representatives.

If you happen to be a member of this group or would be interested in starting one that does represent the electors give me a shout at [email protected]. Please put in the subject line “Edmunds County GOP group”.

Tod Gohl, Ipswich


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