Ipswich girls softball team third in Watertown tourney

The Ipswich U10 girls softball team competed in a tournament in Watertown recently. The girls had a successful weekend, placing third in their division.

They had a great opening day, defeating Watertown 14-3 and then Redfield 10-0.

Game three on Saturday would be one of their best games of the tournament. Ipswich fell behind by eight, but they would not give up. They came back with five runs in the next inning. Both teams battled, with the Ipswich team eventually losing the battle 14-12.

The girls came back Sunday with great games. They beat another Watertown team 15-3. Then Ipswich stopped Faulkton 13-4.

Their final game was against Groton, who had stopped them the day before. Groton were the winners again, 8-3.

The Ipswich girls had a good weekend, playing good defense and hitting the ball very well.


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