The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune August 28, 1930 edition

Story of Slaying on Farm Proven False

Ipswich citizens were alarmed Wednesday evening when a report was received by Sheriff Geo. M. Engler that a murder had been committed at the Geo. Harrison farm north of Beebe. The report later proved to be absolutely false.

Sheriff Engler and a party of citizens from Ipswich went immediately to the farm to ascertain the facts of the case which proved to be as follows:

Mr. Harrison had gone to the pasture to see about some cattle. Upon arriving there he found two angered bulls fighting. He went to the house, obtaining his shot gun and fired a shot or two in the air to frighten the animals and thus put an end to the fight.

The Harrison children, hearing the shots, became frightened and ran to a neighbors, fearing their father intended to kill some of the family. In all the excitement a murder report was given out and the authorities notified.

Upon arriving at the Harrison farm officials found a group of neighbors assembled and the family all right. No one had been injured.


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