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From the Ipswich Tribune September 30, 1930 edition

Ipswich Public Schools Have Large Enrollment

Slight Decrease As Compared to Last Year-Roster of the Student Body Given-Out-look Good for Coming Year

The Ipswich City school opened Tuesday with an enrollment of 262 pupils-106 in the high school and 156 in the grades. In comparison with the first day enrollment last year, the total is decreased of seven. There were 269 pupils enrolled last year-117 in the high school and 152 in the grades.

As the week progresses there will doubtless be more pupils enroll and the total will be as large, if not exceed that of last year.

The enrollment by grades is: 1st and 2nd grades, 33; 3rd and 4th 44; 5th & 6th, 39; 7th grade 17; 8th grade 23; 9th grade, 34; 10th grade 16; 11th grade 30; 12th grade, 26.

Parents will be interested in knowing where the teachers are making their homes while in Ipswich.

Supt. L. T. Mickelson is at the A. L. Fish home.

Haldor Bergan at the Fred Fear home.

Viola Harrison at J. W. Parmely’s.

Dora Seyer at the home of Lucille Aird.

Elvira Rumrey at the Dr. Robert Hill home.

Beryl Babcock at the Fred Winerd home.

Francis J. Manders at Geo L. Hall’s.

Olive Ruth Griffith and Florence Olson at the H. D. Doolittle home.

Ruth Eideem at J. B. Thiel’s

In introducing the new teacher’s we are giving notes of interest as follows:

Miss Beryl Babcock, the primary teacher, is from Watertown, S.D. She is a graduate of State College, Brookings and has specialized in primary work. She also has had experience in kindergarten work in the Watertown schools.

Miss Elvira Rumrey of Aberdeen is the third and fourth grade teacher. She is a graduate of the Northern State Teachers college and has made a record as teacher in Union Township in Edmunds County the pasts three years.

Miss Ruth Eideem, Junior high school principal is a graduate of the State College Brookings and has taken work at the University of Nebraska.3

Miss Viola Harrison, commercial director, is a graduate of State College, Brookings and has also had office work.

Haldor Bergan, high school principal is from Decorah, Iowa, completing his college work at the Lutheran college of that city. He will have charge of the music in the school, the glee clubs of the high school and 7th and 8th grades, orchestra and Band. He also plans to give private lessons.


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