Local youth at deer hunt

On a recent Saturday morning, in the dark hours before dawn, ten eager young hunters with loaded long rifles were poised to shoot.  Among these Whitetail hunters, scanning the dim prairie landscape at dawn, was Coy Stager from Ipswich.   

Accompanied by a parent and a hunting guide, Coy and his fellow hunters were vigilant in their respective deer stands watching for a big game animal to appear.  All of these young hunters have a disability which restricts activities their able-bodied peers readily enjoy.  However, today they were part of a special deer camp tailored exclusively for youth with challenges.  Coy and all these hunters were not mere observers but active participants in an age-old outdoor hunting tradition.  This weekend adventure will hang in the memories of Coy and his new hunting buddies like a treasured trophy.

Dean Rasmussen, a retired businessman from Clark established this deer camp with the goal of offering big game hunting experiences to youth who might not otherwise have the opportunity. Since its inception in 2008, Dean's PDR organization has hosted up to a dozen youths with disabilities annually. Numerous young people have experienced the thrill of a genuine Whitetail big game hunt in Clark.

Details about the PDR organizations fully funded big game hunt for disabled youth are available on their website: PDRyouthHunt.com. Dean Rasmussen is available for contact at 605-233-0331.


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