From the Ipswich Tribune April 23, 1931 edition
Sheriff Brings Man from Minnesota
Valentine Wentz of Bowdle charged with child and wife desertion, was brought back to Edmunds County by Sheriff George M. Engler. Wentz was apprehended at Red Wing, Minn.
On Wednesday he was arraigned before Judge Charles Bostock and bound over until April 30th when a preliminary hearing will be held. He is out on bail, his bond having been set at $1500.
Authorities have been after Wentz for the past year endeavoring to locate his whereabouts. They received word last week that he was somewhere in the vicinity of Red Wing, Minnesota working on a farm. Sheriff Engler went to Red Wing to get him if possible.
Working on what meager information given him, Sheriff Engler uncovered the fact that Wentz was going under an assumed name, Roy Johnson. Tracking down Roy Johnson was not the easiest task as Johnson’s are numerous in Minnesota.
Into the case, a sister Mrs. Harry Miler, of Red Wing appeared. Her home was watched. A Ford coupe was parked outside of her home and a check on the license number revealed that it belonged to Roy Johnson of Goodhue, Minn. Inquiries were made at Goodhue but no one knew of a Roy Johnson. One young man informed Sheriff Engler that a man was employed on a farm near Goodhue who might be Roy Johnson. Driving over roads that were heavy with mud, and scouring the countryside for Johnson, began. Stopping at one farm house, a little more information was obtained and a closer check made. The next stop proved fatal to Johnosn, as he was taken into custody and returned to Edmunds County.
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